Saturday, November 13, 2010

A bump in the road

Well the first, and possibly the last, round of clomid didn't work.  We've also hit a bump in the road.   I went in for an ultrasound just to make sure that I wasn't pregnant and they told me that this would be the last appointment that Tri-care would cover.  So where do we go now?  Do we keep trying the Clomid with the feeling that I have endometriosis and the Clomid won't really work because of it? I don't know what to do. I am going to into the Tri-care office on Monday to see if there's anything else that we can do and why they won't cover my appointments just because I've started taking Clomid.  Maybe I  misunderstood what they said they would cover but this doesn't make any sense to me.  I just don't know what we're going to do.   I'm looking for a job but we need to pay some bills down so we can buy a house when we move to FL.  We need to sale the house that we own.  I am just beside myself right now.  I'm feeling pretty hopeless right now.  I hope I can get something done on Monday.  I'm also hoping that there was some kind of miscoding done and they will cover my appointments and and ultrasounds and we'll pay for the meds and treatments.

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