Thursday, October 28, 2010

Clomid Success

My doctor's appt went well. It looks like I responded well to the Clomid. I've got two big follicles on my left side and a smaller one on my right side. I took my Ovidrel shot this morning to induce ovulation and tomorrow should be the big O. I have to go next Thursday to get a blood test to check my progesterone levels. If my progesterone is off they gave me some to take. I'm very hopeful for the first time since I had the miscarriage. I know that it may take more then one month to achieve pregnancy, but I feel like have we have a very good chance now. I feel like I can relax. I have a good feeling that this might be the month and if it's not this month then it will be next month. Send good baby thoughts my way.

Monday, October 25, 2010

phase one complete

So I finished my 5 days of clomid and have a doctors appt on Friday to see how many of eggs were produced. I really didn't have any side affects excepts maybe some mild hot flashes but I'm always hot so who know if they were hot flashes or if I was just hot. It's very exciting. This hurry up and wait thing is killing me. I'm just happy that we're are taking active steps in the right direction. I'm trying to have a positive attitude and keep positive energy around me. At this point I'm putting everything in God's hand.

I also wanted to say Happy Birthday to my good friend Trista today. We went down to visit her in 29 palms this past weekend. It was nice to just hang out and see the baby again. OJ couldn't believe how big the baby has gotten. It's funny how much changes in just 10 short months.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

A little about us!

Hi my name is Ericalyn. I'm a thirty something military wife. I married the love of my life about 7 years, and it's been a wild roller coaster since. We survived five moves, a hurricane, a miscarriage, college (civil engineering degree in three years was tough for both of us.), three deployments to a war zone, five years of infertility, and the list keeps growing. We have three of the sweetest dogs you will ever meet. Jack is as big a horse and he eats like one too, Mollie has an old soul and is very sensitive, and Dixie is the gentle one. They help make my heart full.

We are currently stationed in Port Hueneme, CA. It's nice here but I'm an East Coast girl with southern charm. We are going to PCS (permanent change of station) in March and will be heading to Florida. I can't wait.

We've been trying for little ones for about five years. I've been to a few doctors but all they can come up with is unexpanded infertility. We were referred to a RE ( reproductive specialist) and our first line of attack is going to be Clomid. I've been getting everything from "I'm happy they're finally doing something" to "oh my gosh, you're going to end up with eight babies." I guess we'll see if this will work. We're going to try that for a a few months before taking it to the next step which is laparoscopic surgery to check for endometriosis.