Thursday, December 9, 2010

Still sad

I'm still feeling really sad.  I've been sad all day.  The new OBGYN can't get me in until Jan 21.  I find this kind of crazy.  Is it going to be a two month wait every time I try to get in there?  This makes me very sad because I can't go through another cycle in this much pain.  There has to be somethng they can do.  I hope the new RE doesn't have a waiting list that long.  Who knows....   I just feel yucky and sad today.

Monday, December 6, 2010

sad, sad, sad.....

I really sad today.  I had a good doctor's appt today.  I got a referral for a new RE and OBGYN.  I also got my referral for my feet and back renewed so I can go this time.  When I was at the doctor's appt today I got a pregnancy test and a BIG FAT NO!!!!!  The real reason I sad is because another TWO friends of mine posted that they we're "expecting" today.  That's the forth or fifth this month. AWESOME!!!!  Why am I so bitter?  Why can't I just be happy for my friends?  I try really hard.   I think about all the things that I am thankful for having, and try not to be ungrateful.

I want to say Happy 1st Birthday to Andrew Edward Mitchell.  This is my friend Lindsey's son over at Drew Needs Rest.  We really wish you could be here to celebrate with your sweet mom.

I also wanted to say Happy 2nd Birthday to my nephew Aiden.

Oh one last thing.  Meg at In this wonderful life is hosting a wonderful giveaway.  She is giving away a $25 gift cert from The Delta Girl.  These frames are so beautiful, y'all.  I really hope I win one.  I really love these Christmas prints and the red one with the white polka dots.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

New Doctor

Well I have another doctor's appt tomorrow.  It's to get a new referral for a new (and hopeful better doctor.) I'm sure it will go well.  I'm pretty sure the second round of Clomid did NOT work, but I won't know for a few more days.  I'm trying not to be such a downer but it gets harder every month.  It doesn't help when everybody around me is getting pregnant.  I get sick to my stomach every time I hear "I'm pregnant" or " We're expecting!!!!!!"  You got to love all the exclamation points behind it to.  Yuck listen to me.

I fully intend to put pictures on here but my camera lens is broken.  I'm also really new this blogging thing so I haven't really figured it all out yet.  I want this blog to be more then just a journey to get pregnant.  Once I get a new lens for my camera I can add things to it.  I want to add some of the crafts and thing that I work on too.

I hope everybody had a great Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Back on....

So after a lot of crying, frustration, talking to Tricare, and arguing with the billing office at the doctor's office we have decided to change doctor's.  I knew that I was right about what should be covered and what should not be covered.  I was just not willing to pay for things I have coverage for.  I also don't want to go to a doctor who is not willing to go out of their way for me.  So we are going to see another doctor.  I have taking Clomid again this month,  I won't be monitored, but I also have my shot of Ovidrel.  The only problem is I don't know how big my follicles are or if they are ready to be released, but I going to take it tomorrow.  It's along the same time line that I took it last month and I'm using ovulation test to see.  I hope this works so that I don't have to go through the IUI's and IVF's.  I'm praying.  I'll keep everybody updated on how it's going.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Happy Veteran's Day

  I wanted to take time today to say Happy Veteran's Day to my dear husband.   Today is a day to remember all the veterans past, present, and future.  Most importantly those who made the ultimate sacrifice.  I also want to say Happy 235th Birthday Marines!  Yesterday was the Marine Corp birthday.  Here are some pictures of my veteran.

(While he was in Afghanistan.)

(The morning he left with Mollie and Dixie.)

Remember if you see a veteran today go up to them and thank them for their service.  

A bump in the road

Well the first, and possibly the last, round of clomid didn't work.  We've also hit a bump in the road.   I went in for an ultrasound just to make sure that I wasn't pregnant and they told me that this would be the last appointment that Tri-care would cover.  So where do we go now?  Do we keep trying the Clomid with the feeling that I have endometriosis and the Clomid won't really work because of it? I don't know what to do. I am going to into the Tri-care office on Monday to see if there's anything else that we can do and why they won't cover my appointments just because I've started taking Clomid.  Maybe I  misunderstood what they said they would cover but this doesn't make any sense to me.  I just don't know what we're going to do.   I'm looking for a job but we need to pay some bills down so we can buy a house when we move to FL.  We need to sale the house that we own.  I am just beside myself right now.  I'm feeling pretty hopeless right now.  I hope I can get something done on Monday.  I'm also hoping that there was some kind of miscoding done and they will cover my appointments and and ultrasounds and we'll pay for the meds and treatments.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Still Waiting.....

I'm still waiting to see if AF comes or not.  I have a bad feeling that it will.  BOO!!!  I just feel pretty yucky today.  I guess only time will tell.  I have to say I'm pretty disappointed even though I knew it probably not work the first time.  I think I may have gotten my hopes up a little.  I'm just exhausted of trying, and hoping, and wishing, and praying.  I know it will happen when it's suppose to but I'm really tired.  Part of the reason I'm so frustrated is because when we finally start to get some headway we have to move. We'll be moving soon and I hope it will happen before we leave so I don't have to start all over.  I guess we'll find out on Friday.  Time seems to be ticking by so slow.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Happy Birthday My Love!!

Yesterday was my husband's 32 Birthday.  Happy Birthday Muffin!!  I surprised him with tickets to see Jay Leno.  We had so much fun.  This is the second time this week or ever that I've gotten to go to a taping of a talk show.  I Love It!!!! It has to be one of the coolest things I've done since we've been in CA.  We got to see Anne Hathaway, Brian "The Beard" Wilson (pitcher for SF Giants), and Aaron Neville.  I do have to say that I like The Tonight Show better then Lopez Tonight.  Jay was just more personable and nicer.  He talked to the audience and interacted with us and George seemed like he didn't want to be bothered.  Here's a picture of the two of us.

  In baby news, I had blood work to check my progesterone today.  I'm waiting to hear back from from the doctor to see if it's normal.  More waiting.  All this waiting is about to drive me crazy.  Only 8 more days until I hope to get a BFP but I'm not getting my hopes up.  I am fully prepared for it to take more then one time to work.  I'm hoping it won't but I'm preparing myself for it to so I don't get heartbroken and hopeless again.  

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Waiting Game

We're are right in the middle of the waiting game.  It's so frustrating having to wait.  I'm trying to stay busy so that it keeps my mind off of it.  Monday my friends and I went down to LA to see the taping of Lopez Tonight.  Lopez Tonight was really cool.  The guest were Kathy Griffin, Simon somebody, and One Republic.  It was one of the coolest thing I've had the opportunity to do since I've been in CA.  One Republic was really good.  Tomorrow is OJ's birthday so I got him tickets to see the taping for Jay Leno.  We're also going to take a tour of the studio.  Then on Saturday we're going down to San Diego to visit some friend of ours from college.  I also have the never ending Auction.  I can not wait for this auction to be over.  I think it's more stress, that I don't need, then it's worth.  I just hope it turns out OK.  So that's the long list of things that I have going on to keep me busy and keep my mind off of things.  I keep getting more and more anxious with each passing day.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Clomid Success

My doctor's appt went well. It looks like I responded well to the Clomid. I've got two big follicles on my left side and a smaller one on my right side. I took my Ovidrel shot this morning to induce ovulation and tomorrow should be the big O. I have to go next Thursday to get a blood test to check my progesterone levels. If my progesterone is off they gave me some to take. I'm very hopeful for the first time since I had the miscarriage. I know that it may take more then one month to achieve pregnancy, but I feel like have we have a very good chance now. I feel like I can relax. I have a good feeling that this might be the month and if it's not this month then it will be next month. Send good baby thoughts my way.

Monday, October 25, 2010

phase one complete

So I finished my 5 days of clomid and have a doctors appt on Friday to see how many of eggs were produced. I really didn't have any side affects excepts maybe some mild hot flashes but I'm always hot so who know if they were hot flashes or if I was just hot. It's very exciting. This hurry up and wait thing is killing me. I'm just happy that we're are taking active steps in the right direction. I'm trying to have a positive attitude and keep positive energy around me. At this point I'm putting everything in God's hand.

I also wanted to say Happy Birthday to my good friend Trista today. We went down to visit her in 29 palms this past weekend. It was nice to just hang out and see the baby again. OJ couldn't believe how big the baby has gotten. It's funny how much changes in just 10 short months.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

A little about us!

Hi my name is Ericalyn. I'm a thirty something military wife. I married the love of my life about 7 years, and it's been a wild roller coaster since. We survived five moves, a hurricane, a miscarriage, college (civil engineering degree in three years was tough for both of us.), three deployments to a war zone, five years of infertility, and the list keeps growing. We have three of the sweetest dogs you will ever meet. Jack is as big a horse and he eats like one too, Mollie has an old soul and is very sensitive, and Dixie is the gentle one. They help make my heart full.

We are currently stationed in Port Hueneme, CA. It's nice here but I'm an East Coast girl with southern charm. We are going to PCS (permanent change of station) in March and will be heading to Florida. I can't wait.

We've been trying for little ones for about five years. I've been to a few doctors but all they can come up with is unexpanded infertility. We were referred to a RE ( reproductive specialist) and our first line of attack is going to be Clomid. I've been getting everything from "I'm happy they're finally doing something" to "oh my gosh, you're going to end up with eight babies." I guess we'll see if this will work. We're going to try that for a a few months before taking it to the next step which is laparoscopic surgery to check for endometriosis.